Internal Copmlaints Committee



                        (Ref.Aff./T.2/No.155 Dated 1 Feb.2014)

Sr.No. Name Designation Mobile No.
1 Dr. Charankar M. V. Presiding Officer 9665461718
2 Mrs. Pawar Varsha Member 9823717300
3 Dr. Shirke S. D. Memeber  
4 Mrs. Patil S. P. Member  
5 Shri. Dodmani C. B. Registrar 9422402965
6 Mrs. Zadbuke Sadhana  N.G.O.  


Students Grievances Redressal Mechanism

The institute has a Grievance Redressal Cell headed by the Principal to address and redress the grievances. Prompt and effective disposal of grievances of various stakeholders is being done by the Grievances Redressal Committee constituted for the overall well-being of staff and students. This committee discusses the matter with the Principal to solve the problems. Suggestion boxes have also been installed in the college campus and hostels in which the stakeholders can put, in writing, their grievances. For the women, there is a separate committee named “Internal Complaints Committee” to redress their grievances. The LMC, Students‘Council, Discipline Committee, and Anti-ragging Committee also look after overall discipline of the college and resolve complaints, if any. If there is any serious complaint against the faculty or staff, it is referred to the Management for further action.